FEST Ltd. - Engineering Company (the official dealer of the iba AG company in
the Russian Federation) specializing in solutions of manufacturing processes automation.

OJSC "NLMK" - one of the world's largest steel companies.
As a company with a full-cycle, NLMK produces pig iron, slabs, cold rolled,
hot-rolled, galvanized,
dynamo, transformers steel and steel with polymer coating.
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P.J.St.Co. "NKMZ" - the largest in Ukraine and world-known
manufacturer of unique high-productivity rolling, steel processing, forging, hydraulic, mining, material
handling and specialized equipment. Machinery and equipment of NKMZ work in
more than 50 countries,
including Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and the United States.
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OJSC MMK" - is among the world's largest steel producers and a leader
among Russia's steel industry.
MMK is a large steel complex with a full production cycle from preparation of
iron ore to downstream
processing of ferrous metals. It produces a wide range of steel with a dominant share of products with
high added value.
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The company "Lechler" - is a leading manufacturer of nozzles and sprayers in Europe. Company history
dates back over 130 years.
Since 1915, the company develops and manufactures nozzles themselves. Subsidiaries and representative
offices are in 60 countries.
In Russia, partners and representatives are working, specialized in different directions.
The company Lechler uses advanced computer design technology of nozzles and cooling systems
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The company “Sundwig” - was founded in far 1689, when businessman Johann Bernhard von der Beck started
using a forge,
built in 1618 in Zundwig (Germany), for the production of staples. In 1864, the company has built its
own cast-iron
foundry and machine-building plant, and continues its development to date. The product range includes
the creation
of a "turn-key" rolling mills and processing lines for the production and processing of cold rolled
strips of steel,
nonferrous metals and alloys.
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The company "Inkomet" - was founded in 2004 to commercialize innovative technology that allowed
creating innovative
optoelectronic non-contact flatness metere IP-4 for rolling mills. IP-4
is designed to measure the flatness in hot and cold rolling mill of strips and sheets of ferrous and
non-ferrous metals.
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OJSC "Chermetavtomatika" - a diversified organization that is active in the field of industrial
has significant and diverse scientific basis and practical experience. Chermetavtomatika has sufficient
and organizational capabilities necessary to automate processes and units.
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Engineering enterprise "Automated Systems And Complexes" specializes in a variety of industries,
including mining and metallurgical industry, construction materials, transportation, petrochemical, food
processing and others.
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UkrSSEC "Energostal" was created in 2001 by merging the Research,
Developments and Design Institute "Energostal"
and UkrRDTI "METALLURGMASH." In 2004, it was joined to the institutions
"Giprostal" and "UkrNIImet&".
"Centre carries out research, technology development, design, engineering and manufacture of equipment
for metal processing, environmental protection and use of secondary resources in metallurgy and machine
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